Elders Quorum

Dear Elders, 

Thanks to all who participated with the ward smoke off. We had a ton of fun and everyone left with bellies full amazing smoked meats and salads and deserts. We can't wait to do it again next year. 

By way of a few upcoming events, as well as one a bit farther down the road. Here are some dates and times to remember.

*Sept. 22, Special Stake Conference 9:00-10:30                                                 It will be broadcast to all the buildings.

*Sept. 3, 8:30PM  Church basketball at our building starts up again. 

*Sept. 15, A Linger Later will be at our building -6:30 PM

*Sept. 24, We need 13 volunteers to help plant flower bulbs at the Temple from 11-1. Please contact Bro. Chambers if you can help.

*Oct. 10, A Linger Later to be held at our building -6:30 PM.

*Dec. 6, Ward Christmas Dinner, time to be determined. 

Plenty of opportunities to get together and enjoy one another's company.

Also keep an eye open as to when ministering interviews will be done and where and by which member of the Elders Quorum Presidency.  

Elders Quorum Lesson Schedule - 2024

June 23 - All Will Be Well Because of Temple Covenants,  Henry B. Eyring


July 14 - Rise! He Calleth Thee, Massimo De Feo


 July 28 - Words Matter, Ronald A. Rasband


Aug. 11 - A Higher Joy, Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Aug. 25 - Fruit That Remains, Mathew L. Carpenter


Sept. 8 - God's Intent is to Bring You Home, Patrick Kearon


Sept. 22 - The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of The Doctrine of Christ, Dale G, Renlund


Oct. 13 - Opposition in All Things, Mathias Held


Oct. 27 - Bridging the Two Great Commandments, Gary E. Stevenson
